What Are Cookies?

When you visit our websites, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer. Cookies allow us to identify the computer or device you’re using to access our websites. This information is sent back to our systems as you move around our website.  

Cookies are unique to the web browser you’re using – so if you’re using a desktop computer as well as a mobile, different data will be collected for each. You can find more information on the About Cookies website www.aboutcookies.org/

Cookies can be set by the owner of the website you’re on. These are known as 1st Party Cookies. There are also 3rd Party Cookies that can be set by partner websites. Only the owner of the cookie can see the anonymous information it collects.

You can choose to accept all cookies, reject 3rd Party Cookies or reject all cookies either by changing your internet browser settings or when provided with the option to do so by us. If you don’t accept cookies, some features of our website won’t work. 

What Information Do We Collect?

We may collect information about your visits to, browsing of, and use of our website, unless your web browser blocks this. The range of data we collect will depend on how you interact with our website.

This information may include:

  • Your IP address (a unique identifier allocated to your computer for your connection to the internet)
  • Your computer device details (PC, tablet, smartphone, watch, make and model, etc.)
  • The make and version of web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome) you are using
  • Your operating system (e.g. Windows, Windows Phone, OSX, iOS, Android, Linux etc.)
  • Your time-zone
  • Your browser plug-ins
  • Any webpage you came from, identified as the referrer web page address by your web browser
  • Cookies
  • Page response times
  • Download error
  • Pages and parts of pages you visit
  • The usage you make of our website, including enquiries and searches undertaken, and registrations for accounts, forums etc.
  • Services and products you viewed
  • Length of visit to website and pages
  • Page interaction information (such as scrolling, keys pressed, mouse clicks, touches, and mouse-overs)

This will normally be collected and used anonymously, and aggregated for analysis, with your name and any characteristics identifying you remaining anonymous, but our privacy policy will apply, and it will be treated as your personal information, if this information is in any way linked to you personally.

The only time your information will be identifiable will be if you experience an error and we contact you to resolve the issue.

This information may also include:

  • Data inputted into forms and fields
  • Registrations for any accounts
  • Feedback mechanism
  • Social functionality
  • Usernames and passwords
  • Log-in / out history, and settings
  • Actions are taken within any account or other registration, including view, update and changes to settings
  • Posts to any feedback, review or other social functionality on our website.

Why Do We Use Cookies and Collect Your Information?

Searching our products online

When you’re searching something on our website, we need to use cookies to keep track of what you’re searching for as you move through each stage of the searching process. We use cookies to keep track of your searches and preferences.

Your recent searches are recorded using cookies. 

Improving your experience

We use cookies and software programs to record, measure and analyse how our customers use our website. We use this information to understand what you want from our website, which helps us when we’re considering future tours.

We can find out how you move around our website, so we can investigate any errors stopping you from being able to do what you want. The data we collect from cookies is important for us to improve your experience.

Types of cookies we use

When you visit certain sections of the website, Google Analytics, a website analytics service provided by Google Inc (“Google”), will place cookies on your computer’s browser. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the website is transmitted to Google. This information is then used for the purpose of compiling statistical reports to enable us to measure and analyse the number of visits to the site and its pages, the average time spent on the site and the pages viewed. We will not (and will not allow any third party to) use Google Analytics to track or to collect any personal information of visitors to our website. We will not associate any data gathered via the use of cookies with any personal information from any source as part of our use of Google Analytics. For further information about Google Analytics please visit www.google.com/analytics and for details of Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy, please visit www.google.com/intl/en.

You may choose to opt-out of Google Analytics using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on which you may access at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

Refusing cookies

You can change your browser settings to accept or refuse all cookies, choose which cookies you want or don’t want, or ask to be notified when a cookie is set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how.

Changing your mind after you’ve accepted our cookies

If you change your mind after you’ve accepted our cookies, you’ll find an option within your internet browser to clear cookies that have already been set. Use the help feature in your browser to see how. You’ll then need to change your browser settings to refuse cookies in future.

Just so you know, you won’t be able to benefit from all the features of our website with us if you refuse cookies.